Hacettepe Bilişim Günleri 2008

HUlogosu Geçen hafta Pazartesi günü(2008.04.14), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Topluluğu (HÜBİT) tarafından düzenlenen Bilişim Günleri etkinliği için uzun bir aradan sonra tekrar Hacettepe Üniversitesi'ndeydim. Okul zamanlarında benim de çalışma fırsatı bulduğum HÜBİT tarafından düzenlenen bir etkiliğe tekrar katılmak oldukça keyifliydi.

Bu vesileyle ayak üstü de olsa öğrenci arkadaşlarla sohbet etme fırsatı buldum. Genelde sorular bilgisayar mühendisliği kariyer hedeflerini nasıl belirlemeleri gerektiği ile ilgili idi. Bu bağlamda, piyasa eğilimlerinin (ABD için yazılmış olsa da Türkiye için de geçerli olduğu söylenebilir) konu edildiği "Wanted: 10 IT skills employers need today" makalesi fikir verici olabilir. Ayrıca Türkiye'deki imkanları ve genel olarak akla gelen soruları içeren Doç. Dr. Göktürk Üçoluk tarafından hazırlanmış "Bilgisayar Mühendisliğine İlişkin Sıkça Sorulan Sorular" yazısının incelenmesini özellikle tavsiye ediyorum (Yazının "İş imkanları" kısmındaki ücret bilgilerinin güncel olmadığını belirtmek gerek).

Young Turks vs. Jeunes Turcs

I've encountered interesting comment thread on NetworkWorld as reading "5 IT skills that won’t boost your salary" article. User naedrod, has stated his/her opinions by using contrary phrases "Young Turk" and "Dino". Unfortunately, this opinion has caused misconception on the other user. This case and RandomHouse's definition for "Young Turk" phrase, pushed me to think about usages. RandomHouse defines that;

Young Turks, which was the popular name for the Committee of Union and Progress, a revolutionary reformist group that led a successful rebellion in Turkey in 1908 and held power for another decade or so.

In Turkish, we generally use French word for this phrase; "Jön Türk" (Jön = homonym of "Jeune" which means "Young" in French). Therefore, "Genç Türk" which is the exact translation of the "Young Turk" is nonsense, generally (I think, this fact results misconception). Refer to Wikipedia article for further information about "Young Turks".

If you've never failed, you've never lived

YouSort: YouTube Sort by View Count Fix

Update(2008.04.10): Fortunately, YouTube added sort by view count feature again hence, this post is expired. However, I let it remains for possible further reference.


Title is very descriptive and it refers to common problem; every YouTube user wants to sort filtered video results by "view count" and there is a trivial solution. Note that, this is not "yet another view count fix entry". If you google this issue, you can access many blog entries about that. However, this fix is relatively more permanent solution.


YouTube removed the "sort by view count" feature from its user interface but feature is still available. You can still use this feature (although, this time in less user friendly fashion). After searching at YouTube, append &search_sort=video_view_count at the end of the URL in the address bar and press enter to search again. Hence, results will be view count sorted at this time.


In order to make this solution more permanent (easily repeatable), I implemented below solution (Screenshots are from Firefox but steps cover both Firefox and IE - Internet Explorer):

1. Be sure that "Bookmarks Toolbar" is visible by checking View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar (IE: View > Toolbars > Links).




2. Open "New Bookmark" dialog by right clicking Bookmarks Toolbar and select "New Bookmark..." (IE: Favorites > Organize Favorites... right click unused item under "Links" folder and click to "Properties").




3. In this bookmark, we want to append &search_sort=video_view_count prefix to current URL and redirect to this new address. We can handle this operation with below JavaScript code snippet.


javascript:window.open(document.location + %22&search_sort=video_view_count%22);

4. Give appropriate name (for this case: "YouSort") for bookmark and paste above snippet to the "Location" field (IE: Insert the snippet into "URL" field).




5. Sort by view count button for YouTube is ready to use. You can use this button at search result pages (IE: Use Firefox ;) ).




Have fun...


Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge

auv9 AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) are unmanned, untethered submersible robots that are capable of carrying out missions autonomously. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) which is executive agency of the UK Ministry of Defence, supports AUV development projects of the students. In this respect,  DSTL arranges "Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge - Europe (SAUC-E)" annually.

This year SAUC-E 2008 is to be hosted by DGA (France) and held at IFREMER, Brest, France in 7 - 11 July 2008. Soton AUV of the Southampton University is the winner of the SAUC-E 2007. Comprehensive project list of some organizations can be found here.

(Image source: http://sotonauv.seslink.soton.ac.uk/)